Who is Jesus?
He has been called many things by many people. Was He just a great teacher, a great prophet, or a great man? Or was He truly the Son of God who came to this world about 2,000 years ago to offer hope to all mankind! Take a look at the evidence and discover who Jesus really is!
Click To Discover
- Jesus Christ: Discover the Truth. Review the scientific evidence for Jesus Christ. Find out if He was who He said He was.
- Gospel of St. Thomas: Who wrote it and what does it say? Lost book of the Bible or discarded piece of Gnostic writing?
- Gospel of Luke: The historically precise third Gospel of Jesus Christ. Study the teachings of Jesus and His fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies.
- Who is Jesus?: The Bible states Jesus was 100% man and 100% God. It teaches that there is only one way to Heaven.
- Resurrection of Jesus: Concise briefing of the Resurrection based on standard rules of evidence. Discover the consistent eye-witness testimony from multiple credible witnesses.
- Gospel of John: A first hand account of the life of Jesus. Its outline, structure and significance. Spiritual themes for now and eternity.
- The Case for Christ: The Hearing, the Prosecutor, the Findings. The evidence for Jesus and His claim to be the Messiah. Examine the Evidence today!
- Origin of Easter: A Christian commemoration of Resurrection Day. A Celebration with ancient pagan roots. The truth about Christ's crucifixion and resurrection.
- Who is Jesus Christ?: From His humble beginnings in Nazareth to His miraculous ministry in Israel to His life-changing impact on the world.
- Origin of Easter Part 2: A one-time event in history. The resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Messiah predicted in the Old Testament. The Passover Lamb.
- Resurrection of Christ: Did Christ actually die on the cross? Was His tomb really empty? Did He really appear after His death? Here's the evidence!
- Jesus is Lord: He declares His Lordship through humility and grace. He allows mankind to crucify Him and call Him everything but Lord.
- Is Jesus God?: There are really only three legitimate alternatives for the identity of Jesus Christ. He is either a liar, lunatic or Lord.
- Origin of Christmas Part 2: A birth foretold. A plan revealed. A Messiah for all. Are you looking for the perfect gift this holiday season?
- Historical Jesus: A misguided movement to reinterpret the New Testament record. Recent evidence actually establishes more biblical credibility the ever before.
- Crucifixion of Jesus: The New Testament accounts are an accurate portrayal of Rome's brutal form of capital punishment. Check out the historical evidence.
- Second Coming of Christ: The signs of the times. No one knows the day or the hour, but we're asked to keep a careful watch.
- What Would Jesus Do?: WWJD? Fad or true compass for life's choices? The answer depends on whether you truly know Jesus. Find out today!
- Gospel of Matthew: Concise yet complete information on the book of Matthew including its biblical history, outline, structure, significance, and the Great Commission.
- Amazing Miracles: Each miracle event must be judged like any other historical event; based on standard rules of evidence and eyewitness testimony.
- Origin of Christmas: The roots, traditions and controversies of this Christian holiday. The Biblical record. The simple meaning and importance of Christ's birth.
- Miracle Healings: What's the buzz all about? Rather than look to the media, let's look to the Bible. Christ's miracles stand the test!
- Jesus' Resurrection: An essential part of the Christian faith. Dramatic evidence for its historical veracity: extra-Biblical documentation, testimony, martyrdom and persecution.
- Miracles of Jesus: The eyewitness testimonies to Christ's miracles. He operated outside natural law. What lessons can we learn from them today?
- Crucifixion: Its origin, history, and purpose. Discover the details of this method of execution. Learn about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
- Gospel of Mark: Concise yet complete information on the book of Mark including its biblical history, outline, structure, significance, and the Resurrection.